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How videogames changed my career choice

You might have heard it often, but videogames were part of my life since my mother was pregnant of me. She admitted that she played Super...

Scripting or not scripting

There was nearly no limit to how many paths we could take for our future at the Campus. In fact, scripting was the most attracting one...

Pourquoi la programmation

Ce n'est pas le nombre de voies qui manquait au Campus afin de trouver celle qui nous convenait le plus. Cependant, celle de la...

Ce que vous trouverez ici

Ce site montre quelques sketchs de level design, des montages d'image, du level design fait sur des éditeurs de niveau et des...

What you will find here

This website show sketches of level design, image editing, level design on level editor and videos about my c# programming skills. All...

Blog: Blog2
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