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Blog: Blog2
  • Photo du rédacteurCatherine

How videogames changed my career choice

You might have heard it often, but videogames were part of my life since my mother was pregnant of me. She admitted that she played Super Mario Bros. on NES at this time. I grew up playing on console first, then I learned the joy of computer gaming. I don't think I'll ever get bored from this hobby since it is a very interesting and diversified one. I never really was aware of the possibilites at working in the videogame industry. I always thought there were only artists so I never tried any videogame school. Since I don't have the talent to draw, I studied something within my reach (translation). During my studies, I met a girl who became a good friend of mine and she talked to me about Campus ADN. My eyes then glowed with joy and hope. I knew at this time what I really wanted to do with my career.

The first game I played, ever.

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